To comply with the statutory requirements of Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA), Qatar Navigation has reported on its adherence to corporate governance as laid down by QFMA as well as per the internationally recognised practices.
On an ongoing basis, we will ensure that the best practices that are currently followed are also continued into the future and the mandatory periodic reports are made to add shareholders’ value.
At Milaha, our vision is to be the undisputed leader in the maritime and logistics sector, dominating our home market and establishing a powerful international presence that drives sustainable growth for our shareholders.
We achieve this by relentlessly pursuing our mission to deliver exceptional, reliable services.
This unwavering commitment encompasses safety, quality, and our efforts to minimise environmental impact, exceed customer expectations and foster a thriving work environment for our people.
Building on this commitment, Milaha established a list of policies that form the foundation of our sustainability journey.
Dubbed Milaha's Foundational Policies, the scope of these policies extends to all our key stakeholders, including our partners and customers, fostering a collaborative approach aligned with Milaha's vision, mission, and core values.
The Foundational Policies serve as the bedrock of our sustainability initiatives, outlining Milaha's unwavering commitment to minimising environmental impact, safeguarding people and assets, and upholding the highest ethical standards while contributing to Qatar's progress and societal well-being.
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